This webpage is a little postcard from France for all of the friends and family
of Joan and Adrian
- enjoy reading it and if you have any
queries get in touch with us via
Welcome back if you've not been here for a little while, this webpage is mostly a little postcard for our friends and family
as we undertake a downshift and change of life in rural Southwest France.
Most of the regularly updated content is to be found in the
Bellebouche Blog where we document
the renovations and write about life in France.
Our year last year was a busy one - we enjoyed fourteen sets of visitors in 2005. Joan has busily
created a little write up on almost two dozen
places to visit that are within
easy striking distance of us.
We've also put up a page of
what's on in the locale - this might help if you're planning a visit and
there's something you wish to catch, fetes, festivals, concerts and holidays are
all listed there...
Have a browse around, the blog is organised in some simple categories so if
you're perhaps interested in renovation,
cooking or new for this year
even some things about livestock then there might be something of interest for
you here - if so, please do leave us a comment on the blog.
Love to hear some feedback from or see you down
here sometime - until then a bientôt!
Adrian & Joan
November 2006